Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 72

Chapter 72


You can approve my resignation.

No, I cant. Tyrone was resolute in his refusal.

Sabrina felt drained. She knew she couldnt extract what she truly desired from Tyrone. All he could offer was money, but she didnt need that. The past three years with Blakely Group had rewarded her with substantial earnings.

Enough, Tyrone. I have nothing more to say. Goodbye.

Sabrina promptly hung up, collapsing onto her bed in exhaustion. She was lost and didnt know what step to take next.

Her phone buzzed again.

Abruptly picking up the phone, she snapped, I told you, theres nothing left to discuss. Stop calling!

Its me, Sabrina. Bradleys voice echoed through the phone.

After a brief pause, Sabrina glanced at the caller ID and said, Im sorry. I thought you were someone else.

I figured. I saw the online buzz. How are you holding up? Are you alright?

Im alright. Ive just been a little slandered.

Those offensive words couldnt physically harm her.

Only Tyrone had the power to wound her.

Thats a relief. The hashtag has been taken down, must be Tyrones doing.

Upon hearing this, Sabrina couldnt help but ask, How are you so sure it was him?

You can verify it.

Following Bradleys advice, Sabrina logged in and noticed a new trending topic.


Additionally, there were several hashtags relating to the actors and their roles, including Galilea Lilian, Bradley Aaron.

Sabrina clicked on the top trend, revealing an announcement about the cast of a TV series.

Galilea was to play the lead, Lilian Martel, and Bradley was cast as the main male character, Aaron Griffin. There were also listings of the supporting roles and the actors who would portray them.

The cast members all shared and commented on the post.

The post seemed rushed, as it was customary to include promotional posters, but this one only contained textual introductions.

Why? The cast had only just been finalized, leaving no time for a proper photo-shoot.

